Kitchen Hacks

Tuesday 19th June 2018

Kitchen Hacks

Use an ice-cream scoop to quickly remove seeds from pumpkins or zucchinis

Can’t peel an orange? Put it in the microwave for 20 seconds and it becomes much easier to separate these fruits from their wrappings

To make it easier to peel eggshells, add vinegar to the water you boil the eggs in

To squeeze the last drops out of a lemon, first cool the fruit in the fridge, and then zap it in the microwave for 15-20 seconds



To avoid that the cheese sticks to the grater, put it in the freezer for half an hour before grating

If you don’t want the pot to boil over while you’re not watching it, put a wooden spoon or stirrer over the top. The wood will stop the foam from going over the edge

When warming up pizza or other baked items in the microwave, put a cup of water in alongside it. The moisture will stop the pastry from drying out too much and preserve crunchy crusts.

Break the eggs into a pan as if you’re going to fry them, but instead of vegetable oil, add some water and then put the pan on the heater. As a result, you’ll get the perfect eggs with liquid yolk

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