Fixing an extra-salted dish

Friday 22nd February 2019

Fixing an extra-salted dish

You can fix a dish when you’ve added too much salt

A dish isn’t trashed just because you overdid it on the seasoning. Most over-salted dishes can be fixed, so before you dump your dinner in the garbage, try these steps:

For starchy dishes that are too salty, such as potato soup, add more potato or potato flakes. The spuds will soak up some of the sodium.

For creamy dishes with dairy, add more tangy dairy, like sour cream or Greek yogurt.

A bit of sweet can sometimes balance salty foods. Add a teaspoon or two of sugar or honey to see if you can’t tolerate the salt level.

Dilute brothy soups or sauces with unsalted stock or water.

A touch of acidity from lemon juice or white wine vinegar can balance out salt.

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